Background: Ice formation near hydroelectric power plants is a significant problem because it can block water intakes, slow down water flow and cause mechanical damage to the power plant equipment. This can lead to production interruptions and expensive repairs. Ice is formed when small ice crystals form in supercooled water, which stick together and start to form unpleasant ice dams.
The project investigates a solution (proof of concept) by implementing a pilot system that measures and detects ice formation in real time. The system consists of sensors that measure water temperature and other relevant parameters. The data is sent over a LoRaWAN network and collected in a centralized system.
Case objectives: Real-time temperature monitoring enables prediction of ice formation and rapid response. This helps prevent water intakes from becoming blocked and reduces the risk of mechanical damage. In addition, real-time data enables process optimization and more efficient use of resources.
In the implementation of the case, sensors will be installed near the hydropower plant to measure water temperature and other parameters. The sensors will send the data over a LoRaWAN network to a centralized system. In addition, a user interface will be built that visualizes the collected data and enables real-time monitoring and analysis.