Lasse Harjumaa, tutkijatohtori

Informaatioteknologia, opetus, tutkimus ja hanketoiminta

  • TEHO
    Teknologian kautta tietoa kotona hoidettavan tueksi
  • Älykäs ja kestävä asuminen
    Hanke kehittää digitalisaation mahdollistamia ratkaisuja ja älykästä teknologiaa asuntorakentamisen suunnittelu-, rakentamis- ja käyttöönottovaiheessa.
  • IoT-oppimisympäristö
    Hanke keskittyy kehittämään ammatillisen toisen asteen koulutuksen opetusta ja oppimateriaaleja IoT-teknologian avulla pyrkien lisäämään eri alojen opiskelijoiden ymmärrystä ja taitoja IoT-ratkaisujen soveltamisessa.
  • Tervonen, I., Haapalahti, A., Harjumaa, L., Similä, J. (2013). Outsourcing software testing: A case study in the oulu area. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, IPFA. Vol.3 (pp. 65-74). IEEE.

  • Mandić, V., Basili, V., Harjumaa, L., Oivo, M. & Markkula, J. (2010). Utilizing GQM+strategies for business value analysis: An approach for evaluating business goals. ESEM 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.

  • Harjumaa, L., Tervonen, I., Echizen, I., Kunihiro, N. & Sasaki, R. (2010). Introducing Mitigation Use Cases to Enhance the Scope of Test Cases. Advances in Information and Computer Security (pp. 337-353). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Mandić, V., Harjumaa, L., Markkula, J. & Oivo, M. (2010). Early Empirical Assessment of the Practical Value of GQM+Strategies. New Modeling Concepts for Today's Software Processes (pp. 14-25). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Mandić, V., Basili, V., Oivo, M., Harjumaa, L., Markkula, J. (2010). Utilizing GQM+ Strategies for an organization-wide earned value analysis. 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. Vol.3 (pp. 255-258). IEEE.

  • Kokkoniemi, J., Harjumaa, L. (2009). From software documents to experience knowledge based artifacts. 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol.3 (pp. 1-9). IEEE.

  • Harjumaa, L., Pokka, T., Moisanen, H. & Sirviö, J. (2008). Working Time Usage and Tracking in a Small Software Development Organization. ICSOFT 2008 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (pp. 168-173). 10.5220/0001886701680173

  • Lappalainen, J., Harjumaa, L., Sirviö, J., Pokka, T., Moisanen, H. & Leskinen, H. (2008). A Comparison of Time Tracking Tools for Software Developers. 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2008 (pp. 91-96).

  • Harjumaa, L., Markkula, J., Oivo, M., Jedlitschka, A. & Salo, O. (2008). How Does a Measurement Programme Evolve in Software Organizations?. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 230-243). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Harjumaa, L., Tervonen, I., Salmela, S. (2008). Steering the inspection process with prescriptive metrics and process patterns. 2008 The Eighth International Conference on Quality Software. Vol.3 (pp. 285-293). IEEE.

  • Hedberg, H., Iivari, N., Rajanen, M., Harjumaa, L. (2007). Assuring quality and usability in open source software development. First International Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development (FLOSS'07: ICSE Workshops 2007). Vol.3 (pp. 2-2). IEEE.

  • Harjumaa, L. (2005). A pattern approach to software inspection process improvement. Software Process: Improvement and Practice. Vol.10 (pp. 455-465).

  • Harjumaa, L., Tervonen, I., Huttunen, A. (2005). Peer reviews in real life-motivators and demotivators. Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'05). Vol.3 (pp. 29-36). IEEE.

  • Harjumaa, L., Tervonen, I., Vuorio, P. (2004). Improving software inspection process with patterns. Fourth International Conference onQuality Software, 2004. QSIC 2004. Proceedings.. Vol.3 (pp. 118-125). IEEE.

  • Harjumaa, L., Hedberg, H., Tervonen, I. (2001). A path to virtual software inspection. Proceedings Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Quality Software. Vol.3 (pp. 283-287). IEEE.

  • Tervonen, I., Iisakka, J., Harjumaa, L. (2001). A tailored capability model for inspection process improvement. Proceedings Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Quality Software. Vol.3 (pp. 275-282). IEEE.

  • Tervonen, I., Harjumaa, L., Iisakka, J. (1999). The Web generation of software inspection: a process with virtual meetings and on-line recording. STEP'99. Proceedings Ninth International Workshop Software Technology and Engineering Practice. Vol.3 (pp. 125-133). IEEE.

  • Harjumaa, L., Tervonen, I. (1998). A WWW-based tool for software inspection. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol.3 (pp. 379-388). IEEE.